ABQ BioPark to offer virtual camp classes over spring break
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The ABQ BioPark is offering something new for youth this spring break.
This year, while maintaining social distancing guidelines, the BioPark is offering a limited in-person camp for second through sixth graders, capped at 30 kids. To make up for the capacity limit, they will also be offering virtual day camp classes.
"We’re doing various camps from 30 minutes to 90 minutes long, different age groups, different topics from extreme speed, to how to train your Komodo dragon, to a whole pollinator session," said Cheri Vogel, the curator of education at the ABQ BioPark.
She said they know that students may be burnt out with virtual learning because that’s how many are doing schoolwork right now, so they hope this remote experience will be different.
"There’ll be crafts, they’ll be seeing animals on grounds, we’ll be taking the camera around so they can see some of the animals," Vogel said.

The spring break camp runs from March 22 through March 26. Registration for the camps is open now.
For more information, click here.