City of Albuquerque sends ambulance to Kharkiv

City of Albuquerque sends ambulance to Kharkiv

As things move quickly in Gaza, city leaders in Albuquerque are literally putting some wheels in motion to help people in Ukraine.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The City of Albuquerque sent off an ambulance to our sister city of Kharkiv as that war torn country continues to fight off Russian forces.

This partnership has been going on since the war in Ukraine began, and the mission to send off this ambulance has been a long road itself.

“We have been working on this project for this past year, learning about transportation. All kinds of transportation, ground transportation, ocean transportation, working across countries and building our relationship on the other side,” said Pam Feathers with Sisters Cities New Mexico. 

The old Albuquerque Fire Rescue unit’s new mission will now be to save Ukrainian lives. 

AFR’s chief says there’s a lot of life left in this vehicle thanks to routine maintenance and upkeep.