Pay It 4ward: Albuquerque teacher recognized for going above and beyond for students

Pay It 4ward: Albuquerque teacher recognized for making impact on students

When we're going through life, there are times we all need someone by our side showing us the right steps. Those people are the ones we'll never forget.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – When we’re going through life, there are times we all need someone by our side showing us the right steps.

Those people are the ones we’ll never forget.

“She’s not a person who is really outgoing or looks for any recognition, but I’ve always noticed she’s so present in so many things,” said Maggie Faber, a Pay It 4ward nominator. 

Faber is talking about Sara Garcia Ayers, also known as Ms. Sara, to her students at the Albuquerque Sign Language Academy. 

“I don’t think Sara has ever been the main teacher of my daughter, but she’s always been participating in things that Sara has made possible or that Sara has organized, planned or helped students participate in,” Gaber said. 

Gaber’s daughter, Abby, is in 10th grade at the academy. Abby can hear and understand English but she has a speech disorder and communicates mostly by signing. 

“As soon as abby started going here she started learning sign language and for the first time in her life she was able to express her thoughts and actually communicate with us,” Gaber said. 

Gaber learned sign language at the school and says her daughter is thriving, in and out of the classroom. She’s on the school’s Special Olympics bowling team, organized and coached by Ms. Sara.

“Making opportunities for students who people may have said no don’t do that or they can’t do that because of maybe their physical restrictions or intellectual disabilities. Sara has always persevered and said, ‘Let’s do it in her quiet way,’” Gaber said. 

So it was time to Pay It 4ward. 

Watch the video above for more.