Piedra Vista HS to include Diné language in graduation ceremony

Piedra Vista HS to include Diné language in graduation ceremony

A high school senior wanted her graduation to include part of her culture.

FARMINGTON, N.M. — A high school senior wanted her graduation to include part of her culture.

“This is really important to not just me, but other students that go there,” said Kylie Talker, a Piedra Vista High School senior. “I mean, graduation is only one time, and it’s pretty important to a teenager.”

Talker pushed for some part of her graduation ceremony to include the Diné language. Her grandparents were traveling more than five hours to see her get her diploma, and they only speak Diné.

In January, Talker got the idea of saying the Pledge of Allegiance in Diné. She started a petition and used social media to get support. Then, she went to the school board.

“This is our culture, it defines who we are today and it’s important that culture is defined in education,” she said.

The high school sent out a statement Tuesday to all family and staff, saying Piedra Vista’s graduation ceremony on May 14 will include the Pledge of Allegiance in English, Diné, and Spanish.

“We’re grateful for the input from our students and community members who wanted to see this change happen,” school officials said.

Talker hopes the new tradition will live beyond the class of 2024.