US Forest Service prepares for weekend fire threat

US Forest Service prepares for weekend fire threat

The U.S. Forest Service is working to ensure a fire-free weekend in the Four Corners. The three districts of the San Juan National Forest are already busy.

DURANGO, Colo. — The U.S. Forest Service is working to ensure a fire-free weekend in the Four Corners. The three districts of the San Juan National Forest are already busy.

“All three are very popular recreation areas and we’ll see a lot of camping activity throughout the whole weekend,” said Toby Cook, deputy fire officer with the U.S. Forest Service.

Cook and his crew will get to as many campsites as they can.

“It’s a great time to be out with family and friends and enjoy the national forest, but if you’re going to have a campfire, make sure you have the tools with you to properly put the fire out,” Cook said.

“After you’re done with the fire, really stir it up,” he said. “Don’t just dowse it in water and walk away. Make sure you feel it with the back of your hand, first to feel for any heat and then really get down to it and rub your hand through the whole thing to make sure there’s not one single hot ember left in there.”

He said it’s important to do so even if you won’t be gone long.

“Just being away from it for a few minutes, wind gusts can come up and cause a wildfire,” Cook said.

The U.S. Forest Service isn’t the only team monitoring the forest this weekend.

“We also have a lot of folks out of the recreation program that will be out roaming around the woods and there to assist and help folks out and educate, as well as our law enforcement officers,” Cook said.