Allergy Plus | What the Tech? App of the Day

Allergy Plus | What the Tech? App of the Day

You don't need an app to tell you it's allergy season. You can tell. However, an app can help you combat your allergies so you can live your life.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — We probably don’t need to tell you it’s allergy season since you can step outside and tell but the Allergy Plus app can help you weather it.

Allergy Plus is from the website which tracks and reports daily pollen counts. The app is available for both iPhone and Android devices. It puts that information in the palm of your hand.

It uses your location to deliver up-to-date, accurate pollen counts that change daily. Even hourly.

Before you walk outside you can see not only whether the pollen count is high but what type of pollen is in the air and on your car. If you know what type bothers you the most, you can avoid being outside when you’re most susceptible.

The app helps figure that out with a diary. Over time, you’ll know the type of tree or grass pollen is blamed for your sneezes and sniffles.

You can add a city you’re visiting to get pollen forecasts and notifications about when to stay inside.

The app is free but those who are bothered most by allergies might want to pay for premium features. If you’re looking for some help with allergies, this may be one to ah-choo(se).

Allergy Plus also sends you notifications when pollen counts are high for the type of allergens that affect you the most.

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