Making your smartphone screen easier to read | What the Tech?
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — We have smartphones with us all the time but they aren’t much use if you can’t read what’s on the screen, so here is how to make it easier to see.
Large print is a solution for people who don’t have their glasses, but it’s not the only or even the best option.
Rather than increasing the text size, there’s an option to make text bold. On an iPhone, you’ll find it in “Settings.” Look for, if you have your glasses, “Display and Brightness.” Just below the option to change the text size, there’s “Bold text”. Toggle it on and look what happens! It works with any apps that support dynamic type, including text messages, email, Facebook, X, Apple Music and most others.
Even small print is easier to see and it works with texts you write. Letters on the keyboard are easier to see.
Compare large print text that a lot of people use to bold print. I think it’s much better and doesn’t require scrolling several times just to read a text.
You can do this on most Android devices too. Even if you don’t need glasses or readers, bold text is easier to see in bright daylight and your friends probably won’t suspect you can’t see anything without your glasses.
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