10-year-old delivers final issue of ‘The Weekly Case’

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – KOB 4 first told you about Xion Flint in June – a 10-year-old who had started his own newspaper called "The Weekly Case.” Well 42 issues later, it’s case closed.

For an entire year, Flint delivered his newspaper, “The Weekly Case,” to people in his neighborhood.

“I thought this was going to be a one issue gag and then that would be it,” Flint said.

That gag turned into 42 issues and connected a community at a time when so many were feeling lonelier than before.

“So many people really enjoyed getting The Weekly Case. And it was so fun to see him grow throughout the year and how he would come up with ideas, how he would interact with people in our community,” said Wox Flint, Xion’s mother.

“I have grown as a person, I feel like I ended it at just the right time. I wanted to be on top. I feel like that’s what happened,” said Xion.

In the end, Xion had more than 200 subscribers, including digital copies and in person deliveries.

“After a whopping 42 issues in the case, the case has been closed. But let’s not say that it is ending. Because there are some good memories that came from this. And good memories always stay in our hearts,” Xion said.

Looking at emails from readers, it’s clear he’s made a huge impact in this neighborhood.

“It was absolutely amazing. I’m so happy to know that I actually made a difference in my neighborhood,” Xion said.

For Xion’s last advice column, he left his subscribers with this.

“This time, nobody’s asking. I’m just answering. If you want to create a project like this, you can do it. it may be hard and be stressful and you might want to just outright it and that’s okay. But if you pull through, it’ll pay off, just hold on one second longer.”