Aztec church goes virtual after recent COVID spike

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AZTEC, N.M – For a few weeks, the Aztec Church of Christ will be emptier than usual. Worship will be virtual again – a decision that was made last week by church officials after news of a spike in COVID cases across San Juan County.

“It’s definitely a virus that a lot of people with underlying health issues are affected by, so we just wanted to do our part by protecting people and go to online worship,” said Ryan Lucero, ministry leaders of public relations.

Last week, both health and government officials across the county got together virtually to bring awareness to how San Juan Regional Medical Center is currently overwhelmed. And spread the message that people should continue to follow COVID protocols like social distancing and wearing a mask.

“We thought that we were going to perhaps get through this pandemic with the advent of the vaccine, but we’ve learned that this virus is somewhat difficult to predict. And here we are again with what is likely to be our greatest surge ever,” said Dr. Brad Greenberg, emergency physician.

This is not a first for the church. Just like every other place of worship in the state, they too had to do virtual services for more than half of last year. This year, it may not be mandated, but the hospital is in crisis mode.

Church officials said this seemed like the right move, but they hope to be back in person by Dec.1st.

“I think it’s just an opportunity to give it a little more time for people to get some immunity to it or vaccinations and see if the numbers go down,” said Lucero.