Back-to-school shoppers take advantage of tax-free weekend

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Tax-free weekend, paired with back-to-school, led to large shopping crowds in Albuquerque.

With larger crowds and the CDC warning about the Delta variant spreading, some weekend shoppers took precautions.

“Just so we can take advantage of the tax-free, to save money,” said Sarah Haight, a weekend shopper.

Parents said they are seeing more crowds of people in the school supply aisles but they are also seeing more masks as folks wait in line.

“Luckily I’m vaccinated, she’s vaccinated, I’m more worried about my little one who isn’t vaccinated, but I am less worried now, if there are people around I’ll put my mask on and just try to be safe as possible,” said Jennifer Tooley Blea, a parent.