Black Friday transitioning to more online sales

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Among the many thanksgiving traditions families have, starting their Christmas shopping is a big one but over the last few years, folks have changed how they shop on Thanksgiving.

Driving past places like The Coronado Center, Best Buy, and other box stores, there was not a car in sight. Thanksgiving brought empty parking lots this year after many big box stores announced they will be closed Thanksgiving day. Instead, Turning to online sales for those early Black Friday shoppers.

“Are you running into problems trying to find stores that are open today?” we asked one shopper who was waiting for a friend in an empty (except for us) Target parking lot.

“Well I went to McDonald’s first thing and they were open so I was glad I found one place that was open today,” Debby Clark explained while laughing.

While McDonald’s was still serving burgers Thursday, two of the nation’s largest retailers, Target and Walmart, both announced they will be closed on Thanksgiving again this year and other stores followed suit. In Albuquerque, many shoppers don’t seem to mind waiting for Black Friday.

“People need days off though that will probably make them better employees,” Clark said.

Because online is still an option

Their doors may be closed, but Walmart is already promoting its “Days of Deals” online. Over at a similar message, saying “you can still find amazing deals online now.”

According to an adobe business report, consumers are expected to spend more than $5 billion on Thanksgiving, a record for online shopping days.

And for some shoppers, the shift to online is a good thing. I asked Clark when was the last time she went into a box store on Black Friday?

“Oh my long ago, it’s been a long time,” Clark said, “Shopping online? Yes. In the store on Friday? No!”