CABQ public access TV channel calling for content submissions

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If you’ve ever wanted your own TV show or series, your opportunity is now here.

The City of Albuquerque is calling for content submissions. Submission categories consist of

  • Resilience and Recovery
  • Place
  • Learning and Improving
  • Day-in-the-life-of

"We knew that people were out there creating content in so many creative, awesome different ways," City of Albuquerque’s Diego Lucero said. "We just wanted to celebrate that and bring those in and allow them to have an additional platform to be able to share with the community."

Previous submissions have focused on highlighting the art scene, food and other topics. Our Colton Shone, the morning anchor and reporter, did a day-in-the-life piece on our award-winning photographer, Jonathan Dineyazhe, for example.

Content creators can be paid up to $2500. It must be a completely-edited 15-to-60 minute piece that is ready to air upon submission.

For more details, visit or click the "4Links" tab at the top of the page.