Crossing guards needed in Santa Fe

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SANTA FE, N.M. — All City Management Services Inc., a subcontracted company by the City of Santa Fe, is looking to hire about 20 crossing guards before students return to in-person learning on April 6.

The company’s regional manager, Kimberly Craig, said it’s a critical job.

“Unfortunately, we have had children hit or even killed because there’s not a crossing guard out there,” she said. “A lot of drivers, since we’ve been off for so long, they’re not gonna be used to seeing the children cross, and these are little kids crossing unaccompanied. So if there’s not a crossing guard there to protect them, someone potentially being hurt, is extremely high.”

The pay is $26 a day for a 40-minute morning shift and a 30-minute afternoon shift. Guards will need to wear a face mask at all times.

Applicants need to be 18 years or older, pass an agility and balance test and undergo a criminal background check.

To apply, call (800) 540-9290 or click here.