Delta variant among 10 confirmed COVID-19 cases in SW Colorado

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M – Health experts in Southwest Colorado expressed the seriousness of the Delta variant outbreak as they confirm 10 cases, four hospitalizations and one fatality.

The first case was confirmed on June 19 including cases of the Delta variant at a Nissan dealership in Durango, Colorado.

“This is one of a couple of large workplace outbreaks that we’ve identified since the Delta variant of COVID-19 has been confirmed as establishing itself in our region," said Brain Devine, San Jan Basin Public Health and Deputy Incident Commander for COVID-19 Response.

The Delta variant has proven to be more transmissible, and health officials said other cases of the variant were confirmed.

“When you’re around people who can transmit this more transmissible variant to you, even if you are fully vaccinated, that’s additional risk, and you should compensate for that by continuing to wear a mask when you’re indoors and around people who are not fully vaccinated, or you just don’t know, and you don’t know whether they’re vaccinated or not," said Devine.

San Juan basin public health is still investigating, but a plan of mitigation has been put in place.