Downtown Albuquerque residents complain of trash, human waste on sidewalks
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The president of one downtown neighborhood association says the city needs to do more to address homelessness.
Ron Casias, the president of the Silver Platinum Downtown Neighborhood Association, sees the problem firsthand from his downtown Albuquerque apartment.
"It’s hard to be prideful when the city continues to ignore our problems here, especially on their own property," he said.
He snapped a photo last week of frozen urine.
"They don’t clean up the biohazards, you know, including needles, urine and human feces," Casias said. "The lady that had the shop next door to it said she tried to stop him from peeing, but he kept peeing anyway."

Casias said it’s not just the issue of cleaning up – when the city does wash the human waste from the street, it flows and pools up into the underground parking garage. Then, residents walk through that dirty water.
Casias provided an email from the Environmental Protection Agency, asking the state to send an inspector.
"That stench remains there and around the building, because the city refuses to interact with them," Casias said.
A city spokesperson said anyone can call 311 to report encampments and Block by Block, a cleaning service, has been a great partner. They also mentioned that the Westside Emergency Housing Center is open and operational for anyone who wants to go there.