Española animal shelter seeking foster homes for puppies and kittens

ESPAÑOLA, N.M. – Staff at the animal shelter in Española have their hands full after dozens of puppies and kittens were unexpectedly dropped on their doorstep.

Mattie Allen with Española Humane said the shelter was already at capacity.

"We came into the shelter this morning and our drop box was filled with 23 dogs and puppies and two cats and then as we opened the shelter, three more adult dogs came in, another adult cat and then two mama dogs with two more litters of puppies and a litter of nine puppies,” said Allen.

Now they’re desperately seeking foster homes for the puppies and kittens – until they’re old enough to adopt.

"Not just the puppies need foster care, the adult dogs, when they go out to foster care, they open up a kennel where we can take in another pet in need and the adult dogs also get much needed socializing and decompression from the shelters," said Allen.

Allen said if you’re able and willing to foster – you can contact the shelter and they’ll provide the all the supplies you’ll need, like food, toys and bedding.

"Fostering truly does save lives, and no more so than today. Today’s a big day to save lives for us," she said.