Family celebrates fourth birthday of Balloon Fiesta baby
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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The family of a four-year-old girl is returning to the place where she was born: Balloon Fiesta Park.
Cecilia was born to Clementine Baskteen – her mother – and Pieter Hartog – her father – during Fiesta in 2017. Baskteen gave birth to her daughter in the campground during the Balloon Glow.
"I said, ‘I feel my hips opening up’, and the mid-wives said, ‘Oh she’s ready’," Baskteen said, "so we went inside and she was born in seven minutes."
Four years later, the family has traveled around the world and around the country. They live in a fifth-wheeler that has turned into their home.
"You bring all your own stuff but every time you look outside it could be different," Baskteen said. "That’s why we like it so much that we’ll keep on going."
The kids do their school online regularly but get to travel around. Out of all of the places, however, Albuquerque has stood out in the family.
"It’s colorful, it’s peaceful," Hartog said, "and now this is the place where we had our third child so it’s even better."
"We’ve been to Asia, Europe and after the kids were born we told them we’re going to Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta and they said, ‘Yes, we’re totally for it!’"