Federal officials warn about fake vaccine cards

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Although rising cases of the delta variant have led to more people being vaccinated, there are still some people who refuse to get vaccinated.

Now, more cities and states are requiring their employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine or be regularly tested in order for them to keep their employment. However, there are concerns that these restrictions will lead to criminal behavior, including fake vaccine cards.

Federal officials issued a warning about fake vaccine cards being printed and sold that allow unvaccinated people to bypass requirements.

"The ability to duplicate these vaccine cards is something we were initially afraid of," said Victoria Carreon with the Better Business Bureau. "It was something we warned about and why we wanted people to not post their vaccine cards online."

These cards can be purchased online for as little as $25.

"Keep in mind that these are crimes," Carreon stated. "So if you’re buying, making or selling one of these, you’re involved in a criminal act."

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, falsifying government seals carries a $5,000 fine. The legitimate vaccine cards also have the CDC logo.

Carreon also stated that there are fake "vaccine passport" apps out there that are tricking people into entering their personal information.