Hardworking educator scores $400 from Pay it 4ward
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- David Gibson was nominated for Pay it 4ward because of the hard work he puts in as a teacher at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.
He teaches the kids different skills, with the younger kids learning science experiments and teaching the older kids to teach and manage a classroom.
"I’ve always admired the way you teach. Your enthusiasm the way you keep these kids, you know, focused on you all the time and so forth and like I told them if I was a kid, and I was in your class I would want to be in your class all day long,” said Jose Juvea.
Juvera nominated David for his hard, and, mostly, unpaid work.
“His enthusiasm, his energy, you know, the way he does things you never see him with a frown, you never see him getting upset about anything," Juvea said.
David creates a different theme for his summer camp each week with little to no support in material and supplies.
With the extra $400 from Pay it Forward, David is thankful.
"Probably something with my family, do something fun," David said. "And then we will make sure that we pay it forward."