Local doctor seeing more kids needing treatment for sunburns

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- New Mexico’s sunny weather comes with some risks.

"In New Mexico, we need to think about sun exposure year round," said Dr. Alexandra Cvijanovich.

Recently, Dr. Cvijanovich said she’s seen more kids getting sunburns.

"It’s really important that we keep in mind that we have a fierce sun here in New Mexico," she said. "And that’s when all of our children are out. Any time of day, they do need to be wearing sunscreen."

Dr. Cvijanovich recommends SPF 50, and using mineral based sunscreen.

"Sunscreen is actually safe for children down to age six months, obviously with kids, babies younger than that, I think it’s important to keep them out of the sun, but if that can’t be done if they’re in the sun, make sure that they have light loose clothing with long sleeves and a hat," she said.

Dr. Cvijanovich people should reapply every couple of hours.

In the long term, sunburns can be damaging to the skin, and extremely uncomfortable in the short term.

The extreme heat also can lead to other problems.

"I know of children who’ve been suffering from heat exhaustion and heat stroke, severe muscle cramping," she said.

Dr. Cvijanovich said it’s also important to drink plenty of water.