Luminarias light the way inside St. Therese Little Flower Church

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The St. Therese Little Flower Church in Albuquerque is continuing the luminaria tradition. But there’s been some adjustments.

It’s a classic tradition- that a little bad weather couldn’t keep away at St.Therese Little Flower Church.

Instead of the luminarias being outside- now they are shining a path inside the church.

“Like I said I’ve been doing it since I was young and it really resonates with people from multiple generations so I see people get very excited about it and I think that’s why it’s so important,” said Rosalinda Pacheco, confirmation student.

There are about 600 luminarias- each one set up and lit by confirmation students and other church volunteers. Each lantern with a handwritten name or message.

“We’re setting up luminarias for prayer intentions for ill or deceased or people going through a bad time,” said Marcos, confirmation student.

This tradition takes place at the church every year. While setting up the luminaria was a bit time-consuming they were ready just time for Christmas Eve mass.