McKinley County goes from Red to Green

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- McKinley County made the lead from Red to Green in the state’s reopening guidance.

Restaurants in the county can now have 50% occupancy inside.

"In the very beginning, it hit us very hard, you know? I was telling my employees it’ll be just a few weeks, and we’ll be good," said Katie Cohn, owner of the Route 66 Railway Cafe.

Weeks turned to months of relying on curbside and takeout.

At one point, McKinley County was a hotspot for COVID-19. The mayor said he’s happy the county is finally getting some relief from the virus.

"I think at some point we’re going to become the leader of the state," said Gallup Mayor Louie Bonaguidi. "I mean we were the first ones to get in trouble now hopefully will be the first ones to get out of trouble."

The mayor is hopeful McKinley county will reach the Turquoise level of restrictions.