New program provides J&J vaccine to homebound seniors in Albuquerque

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A collaboration between the New Mexico Aging and Long-term Services Department (ALTSD), Presbyterian Health Plan (PHP) and Albuquerque Ambulance Service (AAS) is helping homebound seniors to be able to receive a COVID-19 vaccine from the comfort of their home.
“We are very happy to see Presbyterian stepping up to vaccinate individuals who are homebound and are hopeful that additional providers across the state will emulate these efforts,” ALTSD Cabinet Secretary Katrina Hotrum-Lopez said. “We’ve said it since the beginning — we are in this together and it takes all of us! A big thank you to the Presbyterian team for launching this pilot program with us, which increases accessibility to some of our most vulnerable and at-risk New Mexicans.”
Officials said the program is identifying homebound seniors in the Albuquerque metro area who haven’t been vaccinated. Then, after some outreach work, AAS staff are able to visit the senior to administer a Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
“At Presbyterian Health Plan, we’re committed to ensuring that every New Mexican gets vaccinated and are enthusiastic to partner with ALTSD to remove a barrier to vaccine access for homebound seniors,” said Mary Eden with Presbyterian Health Plan. “Presbyterian teams including data and analytics staff, health plan care coordinators, pharmacists and paramedics came together to create a solution for our most frail population. We appreciate Sec. Hotrum-Lopez reaching out to us for this incredible opportunity to support her team’s efforts.”
The program launched last week.
Officials said they have already started administering vaccines and expect to vaccinate 30 homebound seniors daily.