NM Cannabis Division releases rules for producers, retailers

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —New Mexico is closing in on the April 1st deadline to start recreational cannabis sales, and this week, the state got one step closer to a smooth and secure transition into the industry.

The Cannabis Control Division released rules for manufacturers, retailers, and couriers of the controlled substance. They outline worker and product safety, and call for safe manufacturing practices.

"The excitement from the applicants is palpable,” said Kristen Thomson, director of the Cannabis Control Division. “We are really working to make sure that everyone is a success when we get to April first."

Most of the rules for retailers surround safety and security also.

"Again with the focus on public safety, as well as good retail practices for the sale of a controlled substance,” said Thomson. "There are security requirements for alarms, for cameras, for retaining the footage when the store is closed. If they’re willing to invest in that, they should be able to get through our licensing process."

Retail stores also have to submit their location, security, and product control plans with the application.

Leaders believe these rules will allow for a smooth transition into the industry in New Mexico.

"These two pieces specifically, the manufacturing and retailing, gets us really very far,” said Thomson. “It’s sort of the final piece for the big type of production that we needed to have in place."

More than fifty producers are already on board, and the division has hundreds more applications in the courier and retailer categories to get through.

"It’s a huge opportunity for the state of New Mexico when it comes to economic development and the fact that it was passed by the governor and the legislature really shows an investment in making sure this goes well,” said Thomson.

Courier and consumption club applications should be online by December 30th. Research and lab and education and training licenses are still in process at the state level.

More information on applications can be found here.