People rejoice snow in downtown Durango

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DURANGO, C.O. – Downtown Durango saw some flurries, but it didn’t stop anyone from coming out.

On Tuesday, several people in Durango brought out their beanies jackets and snow boots. A clear sign that summer is ending. Throughout the day there were glimpses of flurries and while locals may be used to this type of weather during this time of year, but to others snow is a rare but welcome sight to see.

"We’re from Florida, so actually we’re loving it we don’t get to see snow or flurries and we’re staying a little north of town, so we’re actually seeing more than flurries, so we’re loving this, this is great plus the scenery and the leaves changing we’re lucky we got it today,” said Tod Leiser.

And across state lines, folks in the San Juan County area did not get snow, but did get dropping temperatures. This morning it was windy in Farmington, many bundled up for the cold-others unfazed.

“I am looking forward to a cold or change a change from the heat will be good,” said Ricardo Cardiel.

The cold will continue to set in —- and really the snow will be welcomed for the ski areas.