Poll: Albuquerque mayoral results pre-election

ABQ Mayoral Poll and Stadium Interest Results

Results from a poll paid for by KOB 4 and conducted by the national, non-partisan polling company Survey USA reveal it’s very possible Albuquerque’s mayoral race will be forced into a December 7 runoff and interest in the city taking out $50 million in bonds to pay for a new stadium is low.


We asked the question: If you were filing out your ballot for Albuquerque mayor today, and these were the only candidates, who would you vote for?

Results of all respondents:

  • Tim Keller 41%
  • Manny Gonzales 22%
  • Eddy Aragon 18%
  • Undecided 18%

In order to win an election in Albuquerque, candidates must win with 50% plus 1 of the total vote. Our polling suggest no candidate may win with those margins, forcing a runoff election. Our poling shows all three candidates aren’t particularly popular with Albuquerque voters.

We asked the question: What is your opinion of Tim Keller?

Results of all respondents:

  • Favorable 38%
  • Unfavorable 36%
  • Neutral 23%
  • Unfamiliar 2%
  • Not Sure 1%

We asked the question: What is your opinion of Manny Gonzales?

Results of all respondents:

  • Favorable 27%
  • Unfavorable 35%
  • Neutral 24%
  • Unfamiliar 10%
  • Not Sure 4%

We asked the question: What is your opinion of Eddy Aragon?

Results of all respondents:

  • Favorable 23%
  • Unfavorable 23%
  • Neutral 27%
  • Unfamiliar 23%
  • Not Sure 5%

The next question may reveal why the candidates are so unpopular. A majority of those polled think the city is on the wrong track.

We asked the question: Overall, are things in Albuquerque headed in the right direction? Or off on the wrong track?

Results of all respondents:

  • Right Direction 34%
  • Wrong Track 54%
  • Not Sure 12%

Crime ranks as the top single most important issue facing the city of Albuquerque.

We asked the question: Which of the following is the single most important issue facing the city of Albuquerque today?

Results of all respondents:

  • Crime 60%
  • Education 10%
  • Homelessness 14%
  • Econ. Development 9%
  • Jobs 3%
  • Other 3%
  • Not Sure 1%

The New Mexico United soccer team and other interest groups have pushed hard to convince voters to allow the City to chip in $50 million to build a new stadium, but results show it may be a hard sell to voters.

We asked the question: Albuquerque voters will also vote on a ballot measure to issue $50 million in bonds to build a new multipurpose stadium with the New Mexico United professional soccer team as its main tenant. On this ballot measure, how do you vote?

Results of all respondents:

  • Yes 36%
  • No 51%
  • Undecided 12%