Pollinator friendly plants planted in Albuquerque
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- For National Pollinator Week, the New Mexico Department of Agriculture teamed up with the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County to help out important insects.
Pollinators, like bees, play a crucial role in everyone’s daily lives.
"We’ve heard of the decline in pollinators and thought this was a good way to provide this education. To reach out to the public and also just to beautify some of the areas in those public spaces," said Assistant Division Director for the Department of Agriculture, Steve Baca.
Together, they’ve planted a variety of pollinator friendly plants in South Valley multipurpose Center and at the open air shelter at Tingley Beach.
"The plantings are going to be joined with some signage so that the public can see what these plants are and see how they benefit the pollinators," said Baca.

At the Tingley Exhibit, people can learn how to protect different pollinators like bees, butterflies and bats.