Service industry workers nab jobs, bonuses during Albuquerque hiring event

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- The service industry is desperate for skilled workers in New Mexico.

Fresquez Companies, which owns numerous restaurants in the state, held a job fair Friday.

The company is looking to hire 60 people.

Lanessa Tafoya used to work in fast food.

She walked away with a new job Friday, and a $500 bonus, vacations days and other benefits.

"I’ve never had another job like this that has so many benefits," she said. "You have dental, you have health, everything comes with it which I think is honestly amazing."

The pandemic brought attention to the importance of workers in the service industry, and how tough it is to fill those positions.

"It’s been incredibly competitive," said Dory Nunez of Fresquez Companies. "We’ve had such a hard time getting people to apply on our website."

More than 20 people showed up at the hiring event, which was twice as many as a previous job fair.