South Valley based film to be featured in international film festival

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A native film from Albuquerque is getting some international attention. A documentary about the King of Valentine’s Day will be shown in Hollywood.

"We both were like high-fiving like it’s in Hollywood! It’s in California!” said Lonnie Anderson, artist.

"Love In The Valley" is all about Anderson, and the extravagant valentines he makes for his wife, Anne, every year in the South Valley. Now it’s going to screen at this year’s Red Nation International Film Festival next month.

“The valentines are just a way to really show love,” Anderson said.

Kel Cruz is the movie’s director.

"The South Valley is tagged as a negative caricature as well as this stereotype of being a violent place a place to avoid and using Lonnie’s story as a vehicle we’re able to talk about metaphorically the South Valley breaking down the stereotypes,” said Cruz.

The documentary is all about the power of love.

"I think that’s the reason why these valentines come through is that love is the most powerful thing on the face of the planet,” Anderson said.

And bringing that love to the South Valley.

"That’s the most important thing, if we can show the movie here locally, get some South Valley leaders and really talk about how do we portray the South Valley,” said Anderson.

It’s also being shown at the Santa Fe Film Festival and won Best Family Picture at the South Dakota Film Festival, but that’s not why they made the movie.

"It’s great to get accolades and very rewarding, but at the end of the day it’s everybody’s story,” said Cruz.

"We really want to show it in the South Valley and invite the community and have these dialogues,” said Anderson.