Albuquerque hosts annual Polar Plunge

Albuquerque hosts annual Polar Plunge 10 p.m.

Dozens of folks in Albuquerque braved the cold Saturday morning at the city's fourth annual Polar Plunge. They dove head first into 40 degree water.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Dozens of folks in Albuquerque braved the cold Saturday morning at the city’s fourth annual Polar Plunge. They dove head first into 40 degree water.

The city says they’re freezin’ for a reason.

“90% of the proceedings go to the Shanta Strong Swim Fund, and that is a swim fund that helps children in need to go through swim lessons. The other 10% of the proceedings go to the ABQ BioPark to purchase enrichment items for our ABQ BioPark Zoo polar bear and penguins,” said Joe Quintana, Aquatic Program Coordinator of Sierra Vista Pool.

The Shanta Strong Swim Fund was created in honor of head lifeguard Shanta Hanish.

“She worked over at the Highland pool, and we lost her tragically in the year of 2019. She had an enthusiasm for teaching kids how to swim. Because we lost her, we did this to memorialize her,” said Quintana.

Community members had the option of jumping in for $40 or taking the slide for $50.

“I’ve never done it before, so I figured I’d give it a try and support a good cause, and it just looked like a lot of fun,” said Zack Traynor. 

So far, more than $2,500 have been raised.