Bernalillo County leaders discuss housing center expansion 

Bernalillo County leaders discuss housing center expansion

We're hearing more from Bernalillo County commissioners after they decided to put millions of more dollars toward helping the homeless.

BERNALILLO COUNTY, N.M. – We’re hearing more from Bernalillo County commissioners after they decided to put millions of more dollars toward helping the homeless. Plans moved forward this past week to expand the Gateway Center.

“We can’t arrest or criminalize our way out of the problem. We have to really think about it as a community-driven problem,” said Bernalillo County Commissioner Adriann Barboa. 

When it comes to the housing crisis in Albuquerque-Bernalillo County, Barboa describes it as an all hands-on deck situation.

“This has obviously been a game on the ground, and Bernalillo County is the largest county in our state, the most populous county, it is important that local leaders from Bernalillo County lead the way,” said Barboa. 

County commissioners approved $3 million to fund a Housing Navigation Center adjacent to the Gateway Center on Gibson.

Barboa says public safety means making sure people have stable housing, jobs, and healthcare.

“That is what this navigation center is going to really be able to do. Really get folks in a place where they feel safe and secure enough to be able to think about that step of, ‘How do I get securely housed?’ ‘What does it look like for my job opportunities,’ and ‘How do I get the healthcare I need, so I can be healthy and increase our community health,’” said Barboa. 

The Housing Navigation Center – which would be part of the Gibson Health Hub – would add 50 trauma informed beds, case management, and behavioral health resources.

“This Gibson Health Hub is a health hub for the whole community. This focus on housing navigation is really to address the housing crisis that we are all in, but with the resources and investment that it needs to be successful,” said Barboa. 

County commissioners say the Housing Navigation Center expansion will be complete by the end of 2024.