Chaves County takes action against human trafficking

Chaves County takes action against human trafficking

100% Chaves County and other local organizations are making an effort to help the community identify and prevent human trafficking. Dozens of people from across the state took advantage of Friday's summit.

ROSWELL, N.M. — 100% Chaves County and other local organizations are making an effort to help the community identify and prevent human trafficking. Dozens of people from across the state took advantage of Friday’s summit.

They were able to attend break-out sessions with people who actively work to help trafficking victims and speak with legislators.

People also got to hear from Attorney General Raúl Torrez, who stressed the importance of breaking generational trauma especially when the victims are children.

“People who are destabilized by adverse childhood experiences early in life actually are much more vulnerable to being victimized again later in life,” Torrez said. “That’s one of the reasons that we have to prioritize human trafficking along with reducing abuse, neglect, sexual violence of any kind, but particularly when it impacts children because it’s the kind of thing that sets the stage for a cycle that is very difficult to break later on.”

They also heard from a sex trafficking victim. She says just because you can’t always see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

“Human trafficking is real. It is very real and there are children, there are men, and there are women that fall victim to it every day. And it’s not by their own fault. It’s not even by their own upbringing. It’s just about them being seen as a target and someone taking the decision to groom them,” Yazzmine Slay said.

And if you’re a victim of human trafficking, she always says to ask for help.