Children’s Court celebrates Spring Adoption Day

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Almost a dozen adoptions were finalized at the Second Judicial District Court in Albuquerque Friday.

“To be able to finalize today and be able to do the legal part of making somebody a forever family is one of the best things about the work that I get to do,” said Chief Judge Marie Ward.

In 2016, Ward established May 12 as Spring Adoption Day, where the Children’s Court division sets aside the day from busy cases to make adoptions official and legal.

“It also puts the spotlight on the fact that we have so many children that are in foster care, that are waiting for a forever home,” Ward said. “Providing permanency for a child, stability, knowing that they are in a place that they are forever loved and forever cared about – no matter their age, because adoptions last a lifetime – is really special.”

Excitement was not the only emotion at the courthouse. It was also a bittersweet day, as the Children’s Court celebrated the retirement of one of its most beloved employees: 12-year-old Cassie, Bernalillo County’s first trained courthouse dog.

Cassie served as a support system for children for ten years. Her handler said Cassie will now dedicate her time to chasing squirrels and taking naps. Another dog will be taking over her duties.