Deadly break-in at Las Vegas Animal Care Center

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A mama dog named “Aurora” is getting some serious attention for a tragic reason. The Las Vegas Animal Care Center recently posted about a break-in in January, where an animal control officer saw a “terrible scene.” They suspect someone broke into the facility to steal back their dogs being held there for attacking another dog. 

They reportedly let another aggressive dog “Leo” out of his kennel. They say Leo attacked and killed Aurora. 

But the facility did not– and still doesn’t– have cameras to catch the crime. Animal control officers were not able to find the stolen dogs or their owners. 

The post about the break-in attracted comments from people concerned about staffing at the center, and animal welfare in general. 

“I’m sure those people that are complaining on social media they may have some legitimate complaints, but there are a large number of irresponsible pet owners that we need to start concentrating on,” responded Las Vegas Mayor Louie Trujillo.

The shelter posted they’re only operating with two staff members, the same as in July, right after the city took over shelter operations.

Trujillo says they have two openings for animal control techs, and one opening for an animal control officer. 

“Right now we’re dealing with managing a crisis,” said Trujillo. “Are there learning curves? Are there challenges? Has this been a challenging undertaking? Absolutely it has, and we’re still learning, and we’re still moving and building. Those positions have been posted forever it’s something that we’re experiencing just like everyone else is with the job pool these days.”

Trujillo says they’re trying their best to deal with the issue of pet owners being irresponsible.

“Am I frustrated with that? Absolutely. Should people in town be? Yes. It’s a very frustrating thing we’re going through, and I’m going to take it again, and say I think a lot of communities are dealing with these issues,” said Trujillo.

He says the center will have cameras soon, and he’s looking at opportunities to host more spay and neuter clinics.