Expert shares tips on how to avoid holiday weight gain

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – An expert gave some great tips on how to avoid giving ourselves the gift of a bigger waistband. 

The most important thing is to remember you can still enjoy tamale season to it’s fullest, but there are ways to do it without overdoing it.

“I always say, you know, this holiday season, make yourself a priority,” said Dr. Harkesh Arora, Lovelace Endocrinologist.  

Arora says the best gift you can give yourself is the gift of health. 

A study done by the new England Journal of Medicine shows on average, Americans gain one pound every holiday season. 

“This weight this pound after pound after pound, year after year after year, it actually contributes to a lot of weight gain as normal adulthood weight gain. So that’s where the problem lies,” said Arora.  

She says overindulging at the dinner table is the culprit, and that if you’re diabetic, skipping meals to accommodate a holiday feast is the worst thing you can do. 

 “I always tell them always have three meals like you were on any other day,” Arora said.  

This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself this season though. 

She says the key is moderation, instead of loading up your plate like you normally would, go for veggies first – they fill you up quicker. Then go for smaller portions so you can enjoy everything without feeling stuffed.

She also left another holiday reminder. 

“If you have something on your plate that is not tasty, tasty, or tasting well – no need to finish it, just leave it,” she said. 

It’s not just the main meal at fault.

“Instead of having a big huge dessert, I’m going to make single portions. So I’m going to just make a single individualized, like, you know, let’s say a small portion of mousse or something,” said Arora.  

But don’t beat yourself if you have an extra helping of mac and cheese. She says, including regular exercise, even a simple after dinner walk makes all the difference. 

“You see, if you don’t take care of ourselves, it’s one thing adds to the other adds to the other and adds to the other,” Arora said. 

Another great tip is to put food away right after you eat, that way you can avoid that after dinner snacking.