Hispano Chamber of Commerce launches new crime data website

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce released a new website that displays raw crime data from all over the state. While this helps the community, the hopes for this new data are to bring attention to lawmakers.

“It’s time to make a change for New Mexico and for our kids, and if we don’t do today, you know, we’re going to be waiting,” said Steven B. Chavez, managing partner of Mesa Del Sol. 

From the Hispano Chamber of Commerce and the technical help of local software company “Real Time Solutions,” a new website is up and running to bring raw crime data from across New Mexico to your fingertips.

A main goal for all of detailed data is to bring the right resources and attention to lawmakers at the Roundhouse.

“Right now, the legislative session is happening and now’s the time to make a difference, a difference we can make at the Legislature,” said Ernie C’de Baca, president and CEO of the Hispano Chamber of Commerce. 

The new, free website shows crime throughout the whole state using different ratings.

“We created a five tier system: critical, severe, moderate, fair and good. And based on a combination of property crime rates and violent crime rates,” said Chris Schroeder, COO of Real Time Solutions. 

This data all comes from a third-party provider that uses information from different agencies across the state.

“What they did was they aggregated reported crime rates from the agencies that are reporting, and they developed a proprietary AI algorithm to help fill in the gaps,” said Schroeder. 

On the map, you can type in your zip code to see the crime in either your Senate or House district. From there you can instantly reach out to the corresponding representative to take action on crime in that area through a pre-written email. 

Organizers of the website say the pre-made email keeps things uniform with their goals.

‘We wanted to make sure that what was said was in line with what the board wanted to get, if they want to contact the legislator, they can reach out to them on their own,” Schroeder said. 

And with a push to address crime, the Chamber of Commerce gave their opinion on how the session is going so far.

“I think it could be better,” said Baca. 

And while this new data is available for everyone, the Chamber of Commerce again wants to push this directly to lawmakers to try to make more educated decisions this legislative session.

The website is still in its newer stages right now, but the Chamber of Commerce did say their goal is to have a section online that shows bills pertaining to crime and where their progress is at in the Roundhouse.

For more information on the new crime data website, click here.