Isotopes Park hosts Easter egg hunt

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A lot of people have been taking advantage of the great spring weather Sunday. Hundreds spent part of their Easter weekend at Isotopes Park, as the field reaches a milestone of its own.

Children of all ages were rushing the outfield of Isotopes Park Easter Sunday. Not chasing foul balls, but chasing all the Easter candy. 

“This is our second time, and we love it you know, it’s safe and we know it’s safe,” said Ralph Torrez.

Torrez and his family came out to enjoy the Pregame Kids’ Candy Hunt. He says they’re longtime Isotopes fans, adding a new one too.

“We always support the Isotopes, they’re the best,” Torrez said. 

And there were hundreds of fellow Isotopes fan who wanted to spend Easter at the ballpark too.

“Oh it’s wonderful, we have a good time coming out here. He gets to run the bases at the end of the game get to watch some baseball it’s a beautiful day,” said Eric Craig.

The melted candy didn’t stop fans from enjoying the start of another season at Isotopes park. The stadium is celebrating it’s 20th year in the Duke City.

Watch the video above for more.