Joy Junction hosts holiday meal for metro residents in-need

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Many people in the Albuquerque metro are going through the holidays hungry or with no place to go, and a local organization wants to help.

Joy Junction kicked off the holiday season Wednesday with its annual Christmas feast at the Albuquerque Convention Center.

Organizers and guests was on how the smallest gestures, that many of us take for granted, like a simple smile or a hot meal has the power to change someone’s life.

“As long as we have breath, we are breathing, there is hope,” said Elma Renalds, CEO of Joy Junctions. 

For three decades Joy Junction has been severing hot holiday meals for folks going through a hard time

“I experience homelessness about a year and a half ago, and I got associated with the Barrett Foundation, and they help women with domestic violence situations. Because of that we’re able to get us an apartment and tickets here today,” said Kimberly Cyrus, Joy Junction Holiday Feast Guest. 

It’s a room filled with holiday joy, even in the toughest of times.

“It means a lot to have a really good meal in your stomach and people brining joy and smiling, and just having a wonderful time, especially in hard times like this,” said Cyrus. 

And those hard times, are impacting many people in the community.  

“Sad to say that it’s not slowing down it’s getting worse,” said Renalds. 

Making an event like this even more important so, folks see they are not alone. 

“It’s a perfect time to show to our folks in the community that are experiencing hard time in their life that they are not alone, there are people that are thinking about them and care about them and through this event we can show them,” Reynalds said. 

And there is no telling how a single gesture of kindness can impact someone. 

“We should be exercising it every day of our lives, it doesn’t have to be grandeur it could just be a smile to somebody. You never know how it will affect a person when you give them a smile and say hello,” said Reynalds. 

Joy Junction says the convention center has been allowing them to host the event there for free for three decades. With the help of countless volunteers Joy Junction was ready to serve over a thousand hot meals. 

On Christmas Day, they’ll be hosting a dinner at their 4500 2nd St. SW location, starting at 2 p.m.

If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, call 505-463-4818 or 505-877-6967 or click here to visit their website.