Longtime friends Montes, Griego rewrite home run record
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Two softball players in Albuquerque are rewriting the record book for home runs, and they just so happen to be great friends, and play on the same club team.
“I’m never going to forget it,” said Jayln Montes.
With one swing of the bat, Cibola’s Jayln Montes made history. She broke New Mexico’s single season home run record, and did it in her final home game of the regular season.
“I’m always gonna remember that I was the first one to break the record. I got really emotional like rounding third,” said Montes.
Montes was at Albuquerque High this weekend watching her club teammate Jazmyn Griego.
In her first at bat, Griego launched a two run shot giving 19 home runs – one behind Montes for the all-time record.
“Kind of been my dream to be on the top five list or like in a record book, so I just feel real good to be there in that spot,” said Jazmyn Griego.
The longtime friends now rank #1 and #2 for all-time single season home runs. They’ve been cheering on each other to chase history.
Watch the video above for more.