Major overhaul of busy intersection begins in NE Albuquerque

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Crews began an overhaul of the intersection of Wyoming and Menaul boulevards in northeast Albuquerque.

The project is aimed at improving safety and traffic flow. Officials say the improvements began last week and will take place in stages.

The first step is taking out a free right-hand turn through Victor Circle that directs eastbound Menaul traffic onto southbound Wyoming. Officials say that will improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and others.

Crews expect the new intersection will look and function like “most other intersections” in the city where people can turn right at the light.

“We’re all working to improve safety on our roads in Albuquerque. The updates at this intersection will improve safety for drivers, but especially for pedestrians and others that use the crosswalk on these busy, high-speed, streets,” said Pat Montoya, director of the Municipal Development Department.

Crews will also remove the last wire-hung traffic signal, which is currently at Wyoming and Menaul. In its place will be, what they call, one of the longest traffic signal mast arms in the city.

Crews will also fix ADA deficiencies and restore the asphalt pavement at the intersection. They’ll also install new fiber-optic cables, traffic signals, street lights, signage and striping.

The project is expected to be completed next summer.