Metro Aquatic League programs | 4 Your Kids: Project Summer

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Summer break is nearly here and many kids like to spend it in the water so the City of Albuquerque wants more families to have that option.

They’re recruiting for their Metro Aquatic League. It is a swimming and water polo league, also involving diving, that the city hosts each summer.

“I really grew attached to the sport, even though I was not great at first,” Atticus Bowman said.

Atticus Bowman started playing water polo at Sierra Vista pool when he was just nine years old.

“My parents really wanted me to swim and so they decided to sign me up for the metro swim team and water polo at the same time,” Bowman said.

Through the Metro Aquatic League, children ages 5-14 can participate in swimming and water polo. It’s available all summer.

Although Bowman has outgrown the program, his love for water polo hasn’t gone away.

“I really thought, ‘Water polo is for me,’ because I was a fast swimmer and I thought I could really go somewhere with water polo,” Bowman said.

Now 18 years old, he is taking those skills to Penn State to play water polo at a collegiate level.

City parks and rec officials are looking for more kids to register for the metro league. For more information, click here.

For more information on camps and programs this summer, click here to access our “4 Your Kids: Project Summer” landing page.