New college scholarship offers full ride for New Mexico students

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — College is expensive and often requires financial assistance, as millions of student loan borrowers will tell you.

Students in four states now have an opportunity to not worry about that and instead get a full ride to college.

The Daniels Fund is offering 200 scholarships in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and New Mexico. Recipients get a full ride to one of their partner colleges in the four states, including two in New Mexico.

“At UNM or NMSU, you have the full cost of attendance. That is not just your tuition. That is your room and board. It is your books,” said Hanna Skandera, the CEO and President of the Daniels Fund.

It’s another opportunity for New Mexicans to go to college for free – and the namesake is a New Mexican himself.

Bill Daniels who grew up in Hobbs and attended New Mexico Military Institute. Daniels went on to become a state Golden Gloves boxing champion, a decorated World War II fighter pilot, a pioneer in cable TV – and even an owner of the Los Angeles Lakers.

Since 2000, the Daniels Fund has given $125 million to around 670 scholars in New Mexico.

National Center for Education Statistics data shows the average cost of a four-year degree has risen 49% in that time span. That meant the Daniels Fund had to change their scholarships.

“Over the last few years, we reevaluated our scholarship because we weren’t covering that much just since times have changed, right?” Skandera said.

What hasn’t changed is who their scholarships support.

“If you have that demonstrated need, and show that diamond in the rough quality, that individual who wants to continue to rise and give back to their community, this is for you. We would love to see you,” Skandera said.

The deadline to apply is October 15 at 4 p.m. Skandera says the scholarship takes about an hour to apply for but offers tens of thousands of dollars.

Around 25-35 Daniels scholarships will be given to students in New Mexico. For full details on the scholarship and how to apply, click here.