New Mexico designer’s clothes hit the red carpet

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Native American-inspired patterns and colors are making their way to the red carpet through one New Mexican’s unique designs.

Santa Fe-born designer Dante Biss-Grayson, from the Osage tribe, developed his passion for fashion and eye for the arts as a source of therapy after serving in the military.

“I found out about the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women crisis at the same time and I started looking at just different issues that are out there, how I can, you know, have a new mission and obviously I was out of the military by then,” Biss-Grayson said, “and I just wanted to use the tools that I had, as far as creating and sharing and empowering people.”

Thus, the Sky Eagle Collection fashion house was born. Through the brand, Biss-Grayson says he wants to bring awareness to these tough issues and help these often-neglected communities.

“In the media, there’s a lot of cultural appropriation in different symbols and headdresses and patterns, that type of thing,” he said. “We’ve got to look at minorities, and also looking at different cultures, that we can be shoulder-to-shoulder. That’s the idea, it’s going out there, educating and showing them how it’s done.”

Biss-Grayson will be coming back to Santa Fe – August 19 and 20 – for a fashion show where he will showcase over 60 new designs. To see some of his designs and learn more about his collection, visit his website.