Pay It 4ward: ESL teacher recognized for offering free classes

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – KOB 4 helped Pay It 4ward to a woman who has been working for decades to make the nearly impossible happen for countless bilingual students.

“She’s an amazing woman, she really is,” said Francie Latham, a Pay It 4ward nominator. 

Latham is talking about Diane Shepard. Latham started as Shepard’s assistant teacher in her English as a Second Language class about nine months ago. 

“She’s so full of life. She has so much energy. She has so many goals for kids and for people,” said Latham. 

Latham says the best part is watching the students meet those goals.

“With the help of Diane they will reach expectations they never thought they could, and that’s what she does,” Latham said. 

Not to mention she does it all for free. It’s the only free ESL class in the state and is offered at the Martha Liebert Public Library in Bernalillo.

Shepard outfits most of the class out of her own pocket.  

“Spanish and Spanish-speaking people are our future, and to help them learn English and to grow, and become all that they can – that’s one of the most important things we can give to someone. And that’s what she gives every day,” said Latham.

So, it was time to Pay It 4ward with $400.

Watch the video above for more.