PNM provides energy saving tips during holiday season
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Nothing yells holiday cheer more than the festive lights around your house and neighborhood, and we know it can get expensive.
KOB 4 shows you how to save a dollar or two on your energy bill this holiday season.
“There is energy being used more, PNM wants you to be able to realize that and there are ways to combat that,” said Eric Chavez, PNM spokesperson.
Trying to save on your electric bill can be difficult around this time of year. So what can you do?
PNM says to start by changing your lights to LED string lights or a laser light projector.
“LED lights are more energy efficient, they’re going to save you money throughout your home,” said Chavez.
PNM also recommends using a power strip or a light timer.
“Being able to use a power strip or a light timer is going to help,” Chavez said. “Find a good time, you know when the sun goes down to when you go to bed to have those on. Have that timer set. So that they’re not on in the day wasting energy when nobody can see them.”
Another way to save is by keeping your air vents out of the way of furniture to let the air circulate.
And lastly:
“Being able to turn on that Christmas tree on, kind of have that holiday ambiance with your tree while also turning off your other lights,” said Chavez.
That way you can enjoy your holiday lights, without the worry.