PNM teaches about energy conservation

PNM teaches kids energy conservation tips

Being energy-efficient starts young as PNM collaborated with teachers to teach them what and what not to do.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is, it is hard to be energy efficient but there are small changes that can help.

Those steps include turning off your lights and unplugging chords you aren’t using.

You don’t have to be an adult to learn about this, either. PNM started a program called “Home Works.” It is a presentation that teaches kids to think, talk and take action on these steps.

“PNM representatives come into elementary schools and just teach kids about energy. They teach them how they can be energy efficient and how they can use energy better throughout their homes,” spokesperson Eric Chavez said.

From potential energy to kinetic energy, Chavez says it’s important to teach kids at a young age.

“We want to let them know that, even though they’re young, they can still have an impact on the energy in their home,” Chavez stated.

Simply changing to an LED lightbulb will save you a good amount of money. PNM tells kids about steps like these and encourages them to make these changes.

“So 44 schools times, you know, a couple of classes per school. That’s a lot. That’s a lot of kits that are given out,” Chavez said.

The kits include shower heads, LED light bulbs and a timer. The money for them comes from PNM’s energy efficiency writer.

“That is on everybody’s bill. Everybody contributes a little bit to that,” Chavez said.

With plans to go to more than 44 schools this year, students can complete the participation form. Then, teachers can earn a mini-grant of up to $100.