Rain and snow in NM could cause slippery road conditions

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – KOB 4 has crews watching the roads as winter weather overlaps with the first day of the legislative session.

Around 1 p.m. in Albuquerque, it was dumping rain, the temperature was sitting at 40 degrees – but no ice. 

It rained even harder when crossing the Santa Fe county line where the temperature started to drop. KOB 4 crews also noticed a lot of police out on the road.

It started to snow closer to Santa Fe around 1:40 p.m. Tuesday.

Luckily, crews with the state Department of Transportation were already out treating the roads for even more snow and ice. 

“All the major arteries, so US 550 that runs up through Bloomfield, US 84, US 285, I-25 absolutely and down south I-40,” said Jim Murray with NMDOT District 5. 

But what are the consequences of all that rain that people were seeing earlier Tuesday?

“Honestly it will just attempt to freeze up. It could make very slippery conditions later. If it does freeze, this snow will be on top of it, so we would advise drivers not to go out unless you absolutely have to,” said Murray. 

If you do have to drive, NMDOT also says to go slow and if you need to be somewhere, leave early.

Take extra time and really be aware of your surroundings because even if you’re a cautious driver, those around you may not be.