San Juan County Sheriff’s Office offering $15K sign on bonus

San Juan County Sheriff’s Office offering $15K sign on bonus

The sheriff's office is starting with a $15,000 sign on bonus and offering about $28 per hour.

SAN JUAN COUNTY, N.M. — Recruitment efforts have been a focus for many law enforcement departments across the state. That includes offering incentives and higher pay to compete with each other. 

The same rings true for the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office in the Four Corners.

“The struggle is always to first off the right candidate, but also the candidate that has the desire to be in law enforcement. I always say this is the best job you’ll ever have but it’s also the hardest,” said Justin Rieker, administrative captain for SJCSO.

The sheriff’s office is struggling with staffing. The department is still 10 deputies down and working on recruitment efforts while competing with other sheriff’s office pay rates around the state.

That’s where incentives come in. The sheriff’s office is starting with a $15,000 sign on bonus and offering about $28 per hour.

“It’s important to make sure our deputies are paid well for the tough work that they do,” Rieker said.

High pay is something other departments are focusing on as well. In the metro, BCSO is offering wages ranging from $35 to $45 per hour.

“You know what ends up happening is it goes back and forth, there will be a time where we are the highest in the area and there will be a time state police or Farmington will be the highest. County commissioners have been excellent in making sure we stay competitive”, Rieker said. 

But the pay doesn’t seem to be the only hold up for those wanting to go into this career. Rieker said there is a heightened concern about the fear of joining law enforcement now more than ever.

“I think a lot of negative attention that law enforcement received over the previous several years, and also the challenge of the unknown every day you go to work”, he said. 

And this type of work in the Four Corners comes with its own unique set of challenges.

“Because of our vast geographical area, deputies may not have back up for an extended period of time,” Rieker said.

But even with the challenge, SJCSO promises to help give its deputies all the tools needed to be successful at the job.