Show highlights work by artists who have experienced homelessness

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — About 20 artists lined Albuquerque’s Civic Plaza Friday morning, selling anything from paintings to sculptures. All of the art pieces were made by someone who has experienced homelessness.

“We really want to showcase their work and show that many that are unhoused are capable of doing amazing things,” said Elizabeth Holguin, the city’s deputy director of homeless solutions.

Homelessness has been a major concern for both citizens and the city, but Friday’s art show painted the issue in a different light.

“I think a lot of time homelessness is a very hotly debated topic in our city, as well as the nation,” Holguin said. “When people talk about those who are unhoused, I think many of us have a negative connotation or a negative perspective in their mind, so we are really trying to show, people are people, whether they have a house or not.”

The city said the show was a success, and they would love to hold similar shows to continue to try and reduce the negative stigma around homelessness.