Statewide ‘safe surrender’ event this weekend

AZTEC, N.M. — New Mexicans with an outstanding bench warrant can get a second chance this weekend if they’re willing to travel.

The Aztec Magistrate Court is holding a “safe surrender” event. If you have a warrant from any magistrate court in New Mexico, you can go to the courthouse Friday and Saturday in Aztec.

“Statewide, there are 82,000 outstanding warrants in magistrate courts. Our goal is always to help anyone who wants to come back into compliance with the courts and the San Juan Safe Surrender event will make it a little easier for people to do that,” said Artie Pepin, the Administrative Office of the Courts Director.

During a safe surrender event in Alamogordo in June, judges heard a total of 64 cases.

According to officials, anyone who appears voluntarily will receive favorable consideration when requesting a new court date, payment plan or any other option required to comply with the court order.

The event in Aztec going on from 3-7 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.